The implant may become curly if it can be damaged by stress or if the patient has poor oral hygiene. If a dental implants fractures, it may be required to be removed and substituted.

Prior to undergoing a dental implant procedure, it’s vital that patients know the risks and complications that could arise. To minimize the risk of complications, patients must talk to their dentist about issues and follow the advice of their dentist for maintenance as well as care.


Apart from the possible risk and potential complications associated with dental implants, it is essential that patients are aware of the cost of this procedure. Implants can be more expensive than most other dental procedures. Additionally, not all dental insurance policies cover these procedures. Patients could have to finance the procedure from their own pocket, or be able to finance the costs with a loan from a lender.

In spite of the risks and expenses, many patients find that the benefits of dental implants are greater than any disadvantages. Implants are a great way to improve your smile, appearance and functionality by increasing your ability to chew and speak. Implants are also one-time options that, with the right care can last many years.


The procedure of getting dental implants involves a variety of steps and can take several months before they are completed. In order to decide if implants are a suitable alternative, it is recommended to speak with an oral surgeon, or dentist. The dentist will do a thorough examination of the patient’s mouth , and will take x-rays to assess the health of the teeth, gums and jawbone.

If the dentist determines that the patient is a great potential candidate for dental implants the next step is to plan how to place the implants. The dentist will take into consideration the exact location of the implant and the amount of teeth missing, in addition to the size and shape of the patients jawbone and mouth. The dental go
