Each color shade is created from 11 colors: red, yellow blue, green, brown, pink as well as black. White is their default garage door’s color. There’s a good reason for this — it’s neutral and implies it is compatible when mixed with other hues. It symbolizes purity, positivity, and cleanliness, but the most important thing is that it’s an extremely safe choice. There are many other options in the event that you are asking “What shade do I want my garage door to be painted?”
The Theory of Color Theory

The color wheel is instrumental in helping you decide the color of your garage door that fits perfectly with the color scheme of your home’s scheme. Here is a brief refresher on the essentials of color theory:

Complementary (contrast) shades two colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel like green and red or blue and orange. Combination color schemes can be more difficult to achieve because of the stark contrasts between them. When done well the result can be astonishingly bright. Triadic: Three colors together on the wheel of colors, e.g. the green color purple, orange, and violet. Triadic colors will have subtle contrasts to complementing colors. Analogous colors (or harmony) – A triadic color scheme will create fewer hues than colors that complement each other. What makes these colors appear like they are so harmonious is that they are often seen being used in nature. Think about the setting sun with all its colors of red, yellow and yellow indications. The peacock could be sporting green, blue and yellow feathers. Monochromatic: Different colors/tones or shades in the same color. This is a subtle moderate, harmonious, and conservative approach. Even though they’re not on the color wheel , neutrals are able to complement primary and secondary colors. These neutrals include beige, white, and grey. The choice of a color

Your intention will determine the colour you decide for your garage door paint. Would you like to increase the height?
